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The safest way to cycle in the dark

Time for real lighting
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The world's first Biomotion bicycle light that illuminates your moving legs

Make sure you are seen

With Ziemi you are visible from the side

71% of accidents happen from the sideread more

With Ziemi you are recognizable as a cyclist through Biomotion

Other road users are immediately alertread more

With Ziemi you will be seen 5 times faster

Larger light surfaceread more

Discover the difference

Without Ziemi
With Ziemi
Zonder Ziemi
Met Ziemi

Ziemi in the spotlight

Free shipping above €50,- in NL

Ma-Vrij besteld, morgen in huis


You have a 30-day reflection period and a 2-year warranty on our products

We are available every day

You can contact us by sending an email to or call +31 6 39782730

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